Once upon a time there was a pasture near the edge of a forest. Shepherds of the nearby villages came there with their flocks. While the flocks grazed, the shepherds spent their time playing various games.

At the end of the pasture, there was a big tree having a big hollow but with a narrow opening to get in. the shepherds used to put their lunch packets in that hollow. In the afternoon, they took them out and enjoyed their mid-day meals together.

One day a hungry fox happened to come that way. He got the flavour of lunch packets and followed it to reach the hollow. His belly was sunk inside due to hunger. So, he was able to get inside the hollow without much difficulty.

He ate up the contents of all the lunch packets. His belly puffed up on both sides and he was not able to come out of the hollow. Soon the shepherds came there for their lunch packets. They found the fox there and gave him a sound beating.

The End.